International Journal of Biosciences || IJB - INNSPUB

IJB_INNSPUB shared original research work that published by the journal named International Journal of Biosciences, an affiliated journal of International Network for Natural Sciences | INNSPUB

Allelopathic effect of some tree fruits on wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) | IJB_INNSPUB


By: Muhammmad Azhar Khan, Zafar Iqbal, Manzoor Hussain, Inayat Ur Rahman

An experiment was conducted to determine the allelopathic potentials of fruits of different plant species on the germination of wan heat variety Pir Sabaq 2005. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and four replications. The aqueous solution of fruits of three plant species including Eucalyptus camaldulensi, Melia azedarach and Sapindus mukorossi were applied on wheat germination. All treatment significantly decrease the plumule and radical length as compare to control that is TO. Maximum root length was observed in control while minimum root length was observed in wheat due to aqueous fruit extract of Melia azedarach.



Maximum length of seedling of wheat was observed in control while minimum seedling length was observed by extract of Melia azedarach. Allelopathic effect of fruit on root length can be represented as To> Sapindus mukorossi> Eucalyptus camaldulensis> Melia azedarach and same effect was observed in seedling length that can be shown as To > Eucalyptus camaldulensis> Sapindus mukorossi> Melia azedarach. It c concluded that fruit of Melia azedarach are more toxic and has inhibitory effect on germination of wheat as compare to other trees. This tree should not be planted near to crop because during germination period that is November their fruits become mature and fall down in field of wheat and produce aqueous extract due to action of rain water and ultimately decrease the germination.

Original Source of Articles at: Allelopathic effect of some tree fruits on wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)


Journal Name: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

Published By: INNSPUB.NET