International Journal of Biosciences || IJB - INNSPUB

IJB_INNSPUB shared original research work that published by the journal named International Journal of Biosciences, an affiliated journal of International Network for Natural Sciences | INNSPUB

Evaluation of alpha-fetoprotein in patient with chronic hepatitis C infection by using ELFA technology | IJB_INNSPUB


By: Bakht Biland, Muhammad Waqar, Muhammad Wasim, Zobaria Rehman, Agha Asad Noor, Shahzeray Mukhtar, Qazi Shah Rukh, Noor Ul Akbar


Hepatitis known as inflammation of liver is caused by some known viruses, alcohol, drugs and some other infection. Most common hepatitis infections in humans are Hepatitis A, B and C. Chronic HCV infection may lead to liver cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Alfa feto protein’s concentration in patient’s serum is useful utility to diagnose HCC. The current study was conducted at Genome Research Centre Lahore for the measurement of AFP concentration in HCV positive patients of Punjab and Khyber Paktun Khwa (KPK) Province of Pakistan. Total of 172 patients, atleast 60 from each province were screened for Alfa feto protein concentration in their blood by using modern ELFA technology that is most rapid, specific and sensitive method.



Results show high percentage rate of HCC in Punjab as compared to KPK Province. Age wise Results analyse that age group >60 years show very high percentage rate of HCC and in male patients s compared to females. It is concluded that due to prolong HCV infection, patients of age group >60 are at high risk of liver cirrhosis and HCC. It is also concluded that the concentration of AFP in patient’s blood is useful test for diagnosis of HCC and to monitor the patient’s condition.

Original Source of Articles: Evaluation of alpha-fetoprotein in patient with chronic hepatitis C infection by using ELFA technology

Journal Name: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

Published By: INNSPUB.NET