International Journal of Biosciences || IJB - INNSPUB

IJB_INNSPUB shared original research work that published by the journal named International Journal of Biosciences, an affiliated journal of International Network for Natural Sciences | INNSPUB

Comparison of sterilization methods and bags placement positions on biological and nutritional performance of oyster mushroom | IJB_INNSPUB


By: Farhatullah Khan, Gohar Ayub, Mohammad Ilyas, Ijaz Naeem, Jawad Ali, Anwar Rahid, Mushtaq Ahmad Khan

A research study “Comparison of sterilization methods and bags placement positions on biological and nutritional performances of oyster mushroom, was carried out at Nuclear Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Peshawar during spring, 2014. The experiment comprised of two factors that is sterilization methods (heat & chemical) and bags placement positions (ground, hanging and shelf). Experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (CRD) and was replicated three times. Analysis of variance revealed that sterilizing methods, bags placement positions and their interaction significantly affected the biological and nutritional performances of oyster mushroom.



Heat sterilization method caused early spread of mycelia (43.3 days), early pin head development (45.4 days), early days to flowering (50.9 days), maximum mushroom size (22.2 cm), yield (1.8 kg), moisture content (85.4 %), minimum ash (0.7%), protein (3.1 %), fat (0.4 %), fiber (3.7 %) and carbohydrates (6.7 %). Among bag placement method early spread of mycelia (46 days), early Pin head development (48 days), early days to Flowering (53.5 days), maximum mushroom size (23 cm), yield (1.9 kg), moisture content (80.3 %), with lowest ash (0.6 %), protein (2.7 %), fat (0.4 %), fiber (3.5 %) and carbohydrates (6.6 %) were observed in ground bag placement positions. Thus from the present study, it is concluded that heat sterilization method and ground bag placement showed best results and hence recommended to enhance the biological and nutritional performance of Oyster mushroom.

Original Source of Articles: Comparison of sterilization methods and bags placement positions on biological and nutritional performance of oyster mushroom


Journal Name: International Journal of Biosciences (IJB)

Published By: INNSPUB.NET